Wednesday, May 27, 2015

For Malia Obama"s Hand in Marriage, Kenyan Lawyer Offers 50 Cows, 70 Sheep, 30 Goats

A Kenyan lawyer wants to marry President Barack Obama’s older daughter Malia, 16 going on 17, and is reportedly willing to offer 50 cows, 70 sheep and 30 goats for her.

Sky News reports that Felix Kiprono told Kenya daily The Nairobian that he “got interested” in Malia in 2008.

At that time President Obama was running for office for the first time and Malia was 10-years-old. He hasn’t dated anyone since, and promises to be faithful to her.

Mr Kiprono, age unknown, claims that he wants to marry Malia for love, not money. “People might say I am after the family’s money, which is not the case. My love is real,” he is quoted as having said.

Mr Kiprono reportedly plans to ask POTUS asking for his daughter’s hand when he visits Kenya in July, and is also drafting a letter asking that Obama bring Malia with him. Kenya is where POTUS’ father was born.

If the father of the bride is agreeable to the match, there will be no popping of bubbly. Instead, Mr Kiprono plans to propose to Malia in the tradition of the Kalenjin tribe – by tying a ‘sacred’ plant around her head and feeding her mursik or sour milk.

“I will propose to her on a popular hill in Bureti near my father’s land where leaders and warriors are usually crowned,” he told The Nairobian.

Once married, Mr and Mrs Kiprono will lead a ‘simple life,’ with Malia’s husband teaching her “how to milk a cow, cook ugali and prepare mursik like any other Kalenjin woman.”


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